Solution: A Bird's-eye View

  • With the help of TATEEDA GLOBAL, the client delivers high-quality EDC forms to a multitude of healthcare organizations in the U.S. in a timely manner.
  • Patients and physicians across the country access protected web forms to provide important research-focused insights and feedback.
  • Thanks to the EDC solution maintained by TATEEDA GLOBAL, clean, accurate medical data is collected and organized throughout the patient journey, from diagnosis to post-treatment follow-up.

Project Description

TATEEDA GLOBAL was hired by Visiontree, the leading modular, cloud-based, patient-centered outcomes application for specialty patient care, engagement, and research.

It provides auto-rendering forms (case-reporting forms or CRFs) to U.S. medical organizations. These electronic questionnaires come in a variety of configurations and are completed by patients and medical staff to help physicians collect and analyze patient data.

Challenges + Project Goals

Project Abstract

TATEEDA GLOBAL was hired to help the client provide healthcare organizations/facilities with electronic data-capture forms. Our team members currently assist them with design, coding, testing, and automatic rendering of electronic questionnaires for patients and clinicians. 

Project Mission

To create forms that efficiently collect patient data for clinical and research professionals to use in their work. Forms created by TATEEDA GLOBAL present specific clinical questions to be answered by physicians plus self-evaluation questions and instruments that help patients estimate and describe any health/symptomatic changes they may be experiencing over the course of any medication, treatment, or procedures. 

Challenges Faced by the Client  

  • Insufficient project staffing; lack of specialists experienced in front-end technologies.
  • Inability to systematically grow the number of electronic forms they produce.
  • Lack of auto-testing mechanisms.
  • The need to delegate development and testing activities to a project augmentation partner. 

Project Goals

  • Continuously build and update HTML forms with global styles and scripts according to manual provided by the client.
  • Generate testing forms for compliance with requirements and adherence to general rules.
Natalia Juhasz

Project Manager at TATEEDA GLOBAL

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When it comes to modern, web-based technologies, our team is highly experienced and skilled. TATEEDA GLOBAL was readily available to offer our services to the client. Begun as a one-time project, the collaboration has now evolved into a perpetual partnership with one of the most sophisticated healthcare data-management platforms worldwide.


TATEEDA GLOBAL delivered the following: 

  • Crucial resources that took care of development and testing activities, allowing the client to increase the number of electronic medical forms compiled, configured, tested and offered to end users.
  • An efficient collaboration model for bulk creation and updating of HTML forms and auto-tests for the admin website.
  • The highest quality of configurable web-based medical questionnaires, including a variety of input options: text, numeric, date inputs, radio buttons, checkboxes, sliders with validation features, and interactive elements—for example, an interactive representation of the human body with clickable body parts.
  • Implementation of scripts (pop-up hints and warnings) to ensure clean, accurate data input; provided users with instructions when needed. 
  • Implementation of productive automatic tests to decrease regression testing time.

Features We Delivered

  • Continuous production of optimized, thoroughly tested EDC forms for a variety of medical needs.
  • A streamlined process of form development and testing.
  • Correct formatting of captured patient data for optimum uptake into the database.
  • Autotests for the admin site.
  • Efficient EDC form scripts and interactive elements.

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Tech Stack & Resources


  • HTML
  • CSS
  • JavaScript
  • jQuery
  • Vue.js
  • VueX.js


  • Lead Developer
  • HTML Front-end Developer
  • Two Vue.js Developers
  • Manual QA Engineers 
  • UI/UX Design Assistance



  • Thanks to TATEEDA GLOBAL, the client now receives dozens of new electronic medical questionnaires monthly for their data management platform.
  • TATEEDA GLOBAL updates 40-50 of existing EDC forms per month. This includes code reviews, adding new functionality, bug fixes, scripts, and improvements to current functionality.

In Conclusion

This solution is a great example of a patient electronic data capture solution maintained by TATEEDA GLOBAL that has allowed the client to scale up and optimize their platform’s capabilities. 

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